Details: |
070 - JPCC070 - 4cm x 5cm.
Black painted wood carvings with
a touch of blue stonewash in Diamond design. |
080 - JPCC080 - 3.5cm x 4cm.
Black painted wood carvings with
a touch of light brown stonewash in Semi-Rectangular design. |
# 071 - JPCC071 - 4cm
x 5cm. Black painted wood
carvings with a touch of grey stonewash in Diamond design. |
# 081 - JPCC081 -
3.5cm x 4cm.
Black painted wood carvings with a touch of grey stonewash in Semi-Rectangular
design. |
# 072 - JPCC072
- 4cm.
Black painted wood carvings with a touch of light brown stonewash
in Circle design. |
# 082 - JPCC082
- 3.5cm x 4.3cm.
Black painted wood carvings with a touch of grey stonewash in Semi-Teardrop
design. |
# 073 - JPCC073 - 4cm.
Black painted wood carvings with
a touch of grey stonewash in Circle design. |
# 083 - JPCC083 - 3.5cm
x 4.3cm. Black painted wood
carvings with a touch of blue stonewash in Semi-Teardrop design. |
# 074 - JPCC074
- 3.5cm.
Black painted wood carvings with a touch of light brown stonewash
in Square design. |
# 084 - JPCC084
- 3.5cm x 3.5cm.
Black painted wood carvings with a touch of purple stonewash in
Octagon design. |
# 075 - JPCC075 - 3.5cm.
Black painted wood carvings with
a touch of purple stonewash in Square design. |
# 085 - JPCC085 - 3.5cm
x 3.5cm. Black painted wood
carvings with a touch of blue stonewash in Octagon design. |
# 076 - JPCC076 - 4cm
x 4cm. Black painted wood
carvings with a touch of blue stonewash in Rounded-Star design. |
# 086 - JPCC086 - 5cm
x 2cm. Black painted wood
carvings with a touch of grey stonewash in Curved Oval design. |
# 077 - JPCC077 - 4cm
x 4cm. Black painted wood
carvings with a touch of purple stonewash in Rounded-Star design. |
# 087 - JPCC087 - 6cm
x 1.7cm. Black painted wood
carvings with a touch of purple stonewash in Curved Oval design. |
# 078 - JPCC078 - 4cm
x 3.8cm. Black painted wood
carvings with a touch of purple stonewash in Heart-shape design. |
# 088 - JPCC088 - 5cm
x 2cm. Black painted wood
carvings with a touch of grey stonewash in Curved Rectangular design. |
# 079 - JPCC079 - 4cm
x 3.8cm. Black painted wood
carvings with a touch of grey stonewash in Heart-shape design. |